Sunday, November 22, 2009


I am having such an unbelievable morning I had to share it. First I decided to add this inner border to Pop Art Christmas and now I am ready to finish it. Repetition even when you love the color or pattern is still repetition, but now I am jazzed. What I really want to share about my morning is the music. I am listening to Chet Baker while sewing and it is such a soothing sound. I was introduced to him while looking at a You Tube video by crazymml . She was a most interesting character and fabulous quilter. She journaled her life on screen to the music of Chet and others. Her "I dream of houses" is still one of my favorites. Unfortunately her life took a sad turn and her last entry requires Kleenex to watch. You can still view all of the videoes. I hope she is well and happy where ever she is.
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1 comment:

Micki said...

I will have to look him up on You Tube...I never heard of him, but I am glad that you enjoyed yourself!